Undercover team exposes the tiger trade
A hard-hitting new film following the work of the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) to expose the illegal underworld of tiger trafficking will air on Planet Green on Sunday, June 6 at 10pm
A hard-hitting new film following the work of the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) to expose the illegal underworld of tiger trafficking will air on Planet Green on Sunday, June 6 at 10pm
The European Parliament’s environment committee took a major step towards stopping illegally sourced timber and wood products from being sold within the EU when it voted through new draft legislation, hailed by the EIA as the toughest and most meaningful yet to combat the trade and help curb rampant deforestation
A new film about the work of the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) to expose the illegal underworld of tiger trafficking has been named Best News documentary at the 33rd International Wildlife Film Festival, in Montana, USA
An agreement reached at a UN meeting on wildlife trade in Doha could see countries treating illegal trade in tiger parts as seriously as arms and drug trafficking, but campaigners have cautioned that words must be turned into action
As nations prepare to meet to consider allowing one-off sales of stockpiled ivory, the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has exposed a booming illegal trade in poaching and smuggling in the very countries seeking the lucrative relaxation
Chinese Year of the Tiger raises threat to endangered species. There may be as few as 3,100 wild tigers left worldwide yet the species is expected to come under even greater pressure during its namesake year due to a rise in consumer demand for illegal tiger skins and body parts