Tag: dolphins-porpoises


Dying at Our Convenience

A briefing to the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission, in Panama, on the impacts of marine debris on cetaceans. Marine debris has the potential to affect all trophic levels and the entire food chain, from planktonic microorganisms through to marine megafauna including cetaceans


Killing for Commerce

Hundreds of whale products are being offered for sale on the Japanese website of internet search engine company Yahoo!. Killing for Commerce details how Yahoo! Japan facilitates the sale of whale meat in Japan and how US parent company Yahoo! profits from the sales of products made from endangered whales


Amazon.com’s Unpalatable Profits

A report calling on internet marketplace giant Amazon.com to stop supporting commercial whaling by immediately and permanently banning the sale of all products from whales, dolphins and porpoises. Listed products included fin, sei, minke and Bryde’s whales

Front cover of the EIA: 25 years commemorative booklet

EIA: 25 Years

A special commemorative booklet celebrating EIA’s 25th anniversary. As well as offering a selection of campaign highlights from the past two-and-a-half decades, it also looks in some detail at the activities of the primary campaign areas of Climate, Elephant, Forests, Oceans and Tigers


Poisonous Policies

A report revealing polluted whale, dolphin and porpoise products are still widely available in many parts of Japan. Some products tested were so polluted they could cause acute mercury poisoning from a single meal yet there is no legal provision to prohibit the sale of toxic whale meat