Tag: deforestation

Press Release

Myanmar rosewood stolen to feed China’s furniture craze

Myanmar’s precious rosewood tree species are heading for imminent commercial extinction at the hands of China’s multi-billion dollar rosewood furniture boom. Illegal trade in rosewood is driven by wealthy elites in China and their desire for the high-end Ming and Qing dynasty reproduction furniture known as ‘hongmu’

Press Release

Indonesian cop jailed for eight years for timber smuggling

Timber-smuggling Indonesian police officer Labora Sitorus has been jailed for eight years after an appeal overturned the shockingly lenient verdict handed down by a court in West Papua. Originally charged with illegal logging, fuel smuggling and money laundering, he was found guilty of just one charge – illegal logging

Press Release

HSBC bankrolls deforestation, pushing orangutans to brink

A new report released today by EIA reveals that despite adopting polices to keep it from financing deforestation, UK bank HSBC is nevertheless a leading financier of the palm oil industry – and provides loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars to some of its worst elements