Tag: circular-economy

Press Release

Ship waste legislation clears major hurdle in vote today

The European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) today (9 October) adopted several critical amendments to a European Commission proposal to address pollution from ships, which contribute approximately 32 per cent of marine plastic pollution in European waters

Press Release

Plan to cut 50% of marine litter from EU waters by 2030

The European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety backed robust moves to curb sources of marine plastic pollution as part of a wider suite of measures designed to reduce waste which will form the basis for the Parliament’s vote later this year on the Circular Economy Package

Press Release

EU Circular Economy ‘watered down & lacking ambition’

The long awaited Circular Economy package was released today in Brussels, setting out a range of measures to increase the resource efficiency and sustainability of the EU economy. We welcome the package, which contains measures that can significantly impact the amount of marine plastic pollution in European waters