Illegal refrigerant gases still trafficked into Europe as climate emergency worsens
Illegal climate-wrecking super-pollutant refrigerant gases are still being smuggled into Europe, new research shows
Illegal climate-wrecking super-pollutant refrigerant gases are still being smuggled into Europe, new research shows
A new investigation has revealed that the illegal trade in the swim bladders of endangered totoaba fish which is driving the vaquita porpoise to extinction is thriving on social media
An investigation by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA UK) has found the body parts of threatened leopards and pangolins being used as ingredients in at least 88 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products.
A deadly cocktail of unexplained chemical gases harmful to the Earth’s ozone layer and climate is building up in the atmosphere, a new report warns
More than a year after the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) first revealed the extent of the illegal multi-million euro trade in climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in Europe, it is urging the European Public Prosecutor's Office to launch an investigation into the growing black market in greenhouses gases
Citizen scientists, photographers and others are being invited to help build an innovative new artificial intelligence tool to help crack down on the illegal global trade in endangered tigers