Ocean reports

The Cost of Convenience

Report into the relationship between convenience store chain 7-Eleven, Japanese majority owner Ito-Yokado and Japan’s ongoing killing of whales, dolphins and porpoises. Ito-Yokado plays a role in sustaining the Government of Japan’s flagrant refusal to follow the international moratorium on commercial hunting of whales

Front cover of our report entitled Towards Extinction - The Exploitation of Small Cetaceans in Japan

Towards Extinction

The Government of Japan still allows 22,000 small cetaceans to be legally killed each year in unregulated hunts around the coast, some of them rare or endangered and others threatened or in decline from overhunting

Japan’s Senseless Slaughter

An investigation into Japan’s Dall’s porpoise hunt, the largest cetacean kill in the world. At least 18,000 Dall’s porpoises are killed in Japan’s coastal waters every year and new evidence has found an increasing proportion of them are mature, lactating females – an indication of severe overhunting

Front cover of our report on Pilot Whaling in the Faroe Islands (1986)

Pilot Whaling in the Faroe Islands

Our second report examines the background and history of the slaughter of pilot whales. It also assesses claims made by Faroese authorities in support of the kills. It concludes that much-heralded changes in domestic whale hunting regulations amount to nothing more than a public relations exercise