Captive tiger behind fence, China

EIA podcast – Taking a look inside the murky world of tiger farming and its role in illegal trade

With approximately just 5,500 wild tigers left in the world, this iconic species remains under threat from a variety of factors, particular illegal wildlife trade.

The illegal trade in tigers and their parts and derivatives continues to be fuelled by facilities holding tigers in captivity, especially in China.

One survey estimated more than 6,000 individual tigers being held in China’s ‘tiger farms’ but more recently the country claimed that number had fallen by more than 3,300, begging the question as to where they’ve gone …


Podcast – What on Earth?

Taking a look inside the murky world of tiger farming and its role in illegal trade

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Welcome back to the EIA What on Earth? podcast.

In this episode, EIA Asian Big Cats Campaign Lead Debbie Banks and Legal & Policy Specialist Avinash Basker chat with Senior Press & Communications Officer Paul Newman about the current state of tiger farming and the threats the practice represents.

Debbie Banks

Debbie Banks

Avinash Basker

Paul Newman