
Chilling Facts

Supermarket refrigeration is making a worrying contribution to climate change. The main cooling gases used by supermarkets – hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are many thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide in terms of their global warming impact. Our conclusion? It’s time for the supermarkets to take action

Buyer Beware

We conducted a detailed inquiry to uncover whether merbau flooring on sale in the UK could be proven to have come from legal sources and whether adequate information was available to consumers. The findings show the voluntary approach to excluding illegally logged timber from the UK market is insufficient

Environmental Crime

A report showing the scale and impacts of environmental crime and calling for strong political will to tackle it as a matter of urgency. Environmental crimes broadly include: illegal trade in wildlife, smuggling of ozone- depleting substances, illicit trade in hazardous waste, illegal fishing and illegal logging

Skin Deep

A briefing for the 57th meeting of CITES Standing Committee, 14-18 July 2008. Undercover work in China in June 2008 found 14 shops offering Asian big cat skins for sale, including nine whole snow leopard skins, 13 whole leopard skins, five pieces of leopard skin trim and a whole tiger skin

Poisonous Policies

A report revealing polluted whale, dolphin and porpoise products are still widely available in many parts of Japan. Some products tested were so polluted they could cause acute mercury poisoning from a single meal yet there is no legal provision to prohibit the sale of toxic whale meat