CITES SC77 EIA Briefing on Documents relating to Asian Big Cats
Key EIA Recommendations on Asian big cats (ABCs)
Key EIA Recommendations on Asian big cats (ABCs)
EIA recommendations for the 77th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee
Article XIII of the CITES Convention is an important provision to encourage remedial actions by Parties found to be inadequately implementing the Convention. EIA has prepared an analysis of key compliance matters in key countries China, DRC, Lao PDR and Nigeria given their persistent non-compliance and/or significant roles in wildlife trafficking globally.
Learn more about focal issues that EIA’s Wildlife Campaign aims to discuss during SC77.
Japan’s elephant ivory market is open – the legal framework for the control of the trade in ivory is designed and built to regulate and facilitate commercial ivory trade and support ivory traders.
This report has been prepared by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA UK) to provide guidance to Parties and entities engaged with wildlife crime enforcement issues relating to West and Central Africa, including State agencies, intergovernmental (IGOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).