
Front cover of our report entitled Undermined: Destruction of Tiger Habitat in India

Undermined: Destruction of Tiger Habitat in India

A report highlighting the devastation of vital tiger habitat by mining companies for luxury items consumed in India and abroad. In Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, in the Indian state of Rajasthan, the destruction of key tiger habitat has resulted from quarrying for talc and marble

Thailand’s Tiger Economy

Thailand has shown itself to be woefully inadequate in implementing domestic legislation to stamp out the tiger trade and in enforcing international agreements to which it is a signatory. Thailand has also become a conduit for illegal trade as well as a manufacturer and supplier of tiger products

EIA Report - Front Cover - 1996 - The Political Wilderness 826x1169

The Political Wilderness – India’s tiger crisis

India is home to two thirds of the world population of tigers. The immediate threat to their survival is from poaching to supply the Asian markets for tiger bones and body parts. In India the Royal Bengal tiger edges towards extinction because of a complete lack of political will to save it.