Workers butchering a fin whale at Miosandur whaling station, Hvalfjordur, Iceland (August 2014)

Action alert: Tell Amazon to ban all whale products

Following the launch of our campaign to urge internet retailer Amazon to stop selling whale meat via its subsidiary Amazon Japan, the company has withdrawn all such products from sale.

That’s an encouraging first step but doesn’t go far enough – we want the company to make a formal declaration that all whale, dolphin and porpoise products will be banned from all Amazon websites, permanently.

Here are four easy but important ways in which you can play a vital role in keeping up the pressure on Amazon and its CEO Jeff Bezos, telling them that profiting from the slaughter of whales is unacceptable:

1. Share our campaign film

EIA has produced this 50-second campaign film to raise awareness of Amazon’s sales of whale products.

Please use the Share and Embed codes in the upper right corner of the film to pass it around among your family, friends and contacts, and to embed it any online forums and communities you frequent, such as Facebook and Google+.

The more pressure that can be put on Amazon, the more it is likely to do the right thing!

2. Send a Tweet

If you are a Twitter user, send a Tweet to Amazon calling on it to ban all sales of whale and dolphin products. You can compose your own, or use the sample Tweet below.

@amazon Please permanently ban all whale, dolphin & porpoise products from Amazon #amazonnowhales

You can also follow EIA’s Twitter account @EIAinvestigator and reTweet our messages about this issue.

3. Send an email

Let Amazon know how unacceptable it is to be making money from the slaughter of whales by sending an email to CEO Jeff Bezos.

You can compose your own message, or use/adapt the sample email below, sent for the attention of Inc CEO Jeff Bezos at


To Jeff Bezos, CEO Inc

Following the revelation in the Environmental Investigation Agency report’s Unpalatable Profits ( that Amazon Japan is selling whale products, I am deeply concerned to learn that your company has been profiting from this cruel trade and respectfully request that the entire Amazon family immediately and permanently bans the sale of all whale and dolphin products.

Japan’s whale and dolphin hunting is a brutal, artificially sustained business which has no place in the 21st century, a view I would hope to find shared by a company as progressive and “customer-centric” as Amazon.

You may be aware that some of the whale products sold through Amazon originate from endangered species which have been granted international protection, while others have been shown to contain dangerously high levels of mercury and other toxins seriously harmful to human health.

While I understand that whale products have been removed from Amazon Japan, please demonstrate that you and Amazon genuinely care about our world, its oceans and their inhabitants by formally announcing you will ban the sale of all whale and dolphin products, now and forever.


(Your name here)


4. Post a comment of protest on Amazon’s Facebook page

If you use Facebook, you can find Amazon’s main page here!/Amazon.

Visit the page and post a message to register your protest – you could adapt either of the above messages, or compose one of your own.

Please circulate this protest to everybody you know and encourage them to help – the more people who protest to Amazon, the more the company is likely to respond in a positive and responsible way.

Thank-you for your help and action!