Tag: iwc


Killing for Commerce

Hundreds of whale products are being offered for sale on the Japanese website of internet search engine company Yahoo!. Killing for Commerce details how Yahoo! Japan facilitates the sale of whale meat in Japan and how US parent company Yahoo! profits from the sales of products made from endangered whales


Amazon.com’s Unpalatable Profits

A report calling on internet marketplace giant Amazon.com to stop supporting commercial whaling by immediately and permanently banning the sale of all products from whales, dolphins and porpoises. Listed products included fin, sei, minke and Bryde’s whales


Renegade Whaling

This report exposes how Iceland is defying international treaties to hunt endangered fin whales in a bid to create a new consumer market in Japan. it identifies wealthy Icelandic businessman Kristján Loftsson and his firm Hvalur hf as the driving force behind the bloody trade


Stop The Dall’s Disaster

For the past quarter of a century, Japan’s Dall’s porpoise hunt has been the largest cetacean hunt in the world, with as many as 17,700 animals slaughtered each year. The self-set catch quotas are based on abundance estimates more than 15-years-old while the hunt itself is clearly unsustainable