Tag: corruption

Logging ban breached
Press Release

Indonesian logging ban breached on day one

On the day Indonesia’s landmark moratorium on forest conversion was signed and celebrated in Jakarta, it was being actively broken in a crime-riddled Pilot Province. EIA and its Indonesian partner Telapak documented peat forest in Central Kalimantans moratorium zone being illegally razed by palm oil firm PT Menteng

Tiger staring
Press Release

China Premier warned of tiger vow ‘mockery’

EIA has written a personal letter to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to warn him that significant failings within a key state department in China are making a mockery of his pledge at Global Tiger Forum in St Petersburg, Russia, to “vigorously combat poaching, trade and smuggling of tiger products”

Press Release

EU moves to ban fake carbon credits

The EIA has welcomed a European Member State vote to end the corrupt global trade in fake HFC-23 carbon credits. A European Commission proposal to ban the use of HFC-23 and N2O credits in Phase III of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – which runs from 2013-20 – was approved by the Climate Change Committee

Colour COP16 logo
Press Release

China threatens massive venting of super greenhouse gases

China has responded to efforts to ban credits from industrial gas projects in the European carbon market by threatening to release huge amounts of potent industrial chemicals unless developed nations pay what amounts to a climate ransom with continued payments far in excess of the actual cost of destroying HFC-23

Press Release

‘Rogue traders’ in timber smuggling exposed

In the new report Rogue Traders: The Murky Business of Merbau Timber Smuggling in Indonesia, London-based EIA and Indonesian group Telapak identify businessmen Ricky Gunawan and Hengky Gosal as two of the major players in smuggling illicit merbau timber