We defend the natural world from environmental crime and abuse
Our latest report:
Pumping Up the Potential
Our latest report explains why switching to heat pumps with natural refrigerants is key to green home heating in Europe and what needs to be done to make it happen smoothly.
Our latest report:
Pumping Up the Potential
Our latest report explains why switching to heat pumps with natural refrigerants is key to green home heating in Europe and what needs to be done to make it happen smoothly.

Our latest podcast looks inside the murky world of tiger farming
With approximately only 5,500 wild tigers left in the world, this iconic species remains under threat from a variety of factors, particular illegal wildlife trade.
Our latest podcast looks inside the murky world of tiger farming
With approximately only 5,500 wild tigers left in the world, this iconic species remains under threat from a variety of factors, particular illegal wildlife trade.

Latest investigation: Dirty Deals - Part Two
Top stories

EU risk-ranking system for forest goods must focus on rights and deforestation
Senior European lawmakers have been urged to ensure human rights and deforestation issues are kept at the heart of a new forest products risk-ranking system for countries. The proposed country risk benchmarking system will operate under the EU Deforestation Regulation.

UK Ivory Act now bans all trade in ivory from hippos and three whale species
EIA played a crucial role in leading a coalition of environmental groups to secure the UK Ivory Act and we're delighted to see it expanded by the Government this week to now ban importing, exporting and dealing in items containing ivory from hippos, narwhals and killer and sperm whales

Highlighting EIA’s illegal trade concerns for wildlife and trees at CITES
EIA will be actively engaging at the 78th Meeting of the Standing Committee of CITES (SC78) on a range of key issues relating to the protection of elephants, rhinos, Asian big cats, pangolins, vaquita porpoises and trees, in addition to broader compliance and enforcement issues.

UK’s 7th carbon budget – a golden opportunity to lead on super-pollutant action
On 26 February, the UK’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) published the “Seventh Carbon Budget – Advice for the UK government”, an almost 400-page document outlining recommended legally binding milestones to set the UK’s pathway to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

‘Alarming’ rise in palm oil products being imported into the EU to make biofuels
Loopholes in EU regulations appear to be driving unsustainable and fraudulent palm oil trade. EIA’s new briefing The Palm Oil Black Box – EU trade loopholes analyses EU trade patterns for palm oil and reveals a significant increase in the imports of waste and residues used to make biofuels.

Party political whales – the senseless slaughter by Iceland, Japan and Norway
Opposition to commercial whaling around the world is stronger than ever. Yet as we mark World Whale Day 2025, Japan, Norway and Iceland – three of the world’s wealthiest nations that otherwise generally abide by multilateral environmental agreements – persist in defying the global ban.

China’s emissions of HFCs now more than a fifth of world’s total and could grow
China’s emissions of key super-polluting hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants now represent more than 20 per cent of the global total. We call on China and other parties to the Montreal Protocol to follow the lead of the European Union and accelerate action to phase out HFCs.

A deep dive into the wins and losses for wildlife and forests at CITES SC78
Covering one packed agenda, four interventions and six hectic days, EIA campaigners share the highlights of the 78th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC78) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Geneva.

EIA campaigners in the room for the big CITES Standing Committee meeting
The 78th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC78) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) kicked off in Geneva this week. On Wednesday, EIA Deputy Campaign Lead (Elephants) Rachel Mackenna made a formal intervention in respect of trade in Asian elephants.

EU risk-ranking system for forest goods must focus on rights and deforestation
Senior European lawmakers have been urged to ensure human rights and deforestation issues are kept at the heart of a new forest products risk-ranking system for countries. The proposed country risk benchmarking system will operate under the EU Deforestation Regulation.

UK Ivory Act now bans all trade in ivory from hippos and three whale species
EIA played a crucial role in leading a coalition of environmental groups to secure the UK Ivory Act and we're delighted to see it expanded by the Government this week to now ban importing, exporting and dealing in items containing ivory from hippos, narwhals and killer and sperm whales

Highlighting EIA’s illegal trade concerns for wildlife and trees at CITES
EIA will be actively engaging at the 78th Meeting of the Standing Committee of CITES (SC78) on a range of key issues relating to the protection of elephants, rhinos, Asian big cats, pangolins, vaquita porpoises and trees, in addition to broader compliance and enforcement issues.

UK’s 7th carbon budget – a golden opportunity to lead on super-pollutant action
On 26 February, the UK’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) published the “Seventh Carbon Budget – Advice for the UK government”, an almost 400-page document outlining recommended legally binding milestones to set the UK’s pathway to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

‘Alarming’ rise in palm oil products being imported into the EU to make biofuels
Loopholes in EU regulations appear to be driving unsustainable and fraudulent palm oil trade. EIA’s new briefing The Palm Oil Black Box – EU trade loopholes analyses EU trade patterns for palm oil and reveals a significant increase in the imports of waste and residues used to make biofuels.

Party political whales – the senseless slaughter by Iceland, Japan and Norway
Opposition to commercial whaling around the world is stronger than ever. Yet as we mark World Whale Day 2025, Japan, Norway and Iceland – three of the world’s wealthiest nations that otherwise generally abide by multilateral environmental agreements – persist in defying the global ban.

China’s emissions of HFCs now more than a fifth of world’s total and could grow
China’s emissions of key super-polluting hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants now represent more than 20 per cent of the global total. We call on China and other parties to the Montreal Protocol to follow the lead of the European Union and accelerate action to phase out HFCs.

A deep dive into the wins and losses for wildlife and forests at CITES SC78
Covering one packed agenda, four interventions and six hectic days, EIA campaigners share the highlights of the 78th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC78) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Geneva.

EIA campaigners in the room for the big CITES Standing Committee meeting
The 78th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC78) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) kicked off in Geneva this week. On Wednesday, EIA Deputy Campaign Lead (Elephants) Rachel Mackenna made a formal intervention in respect of trade in Asian elephants.

EU risk-ranking system for forest goods must focus on rights and deforestation
Senior European lawmakers have been urged to ensure human rights and deforestation issues are kept at the heart of a new forest products risk-ranking system for countries. The proposed country risk benchmarking system will operate under the EU Deforestation Regulation.

UK Ivory Act now bans all trade in ivory from hippos and three whale species
EIA played a crucial role in leading a coalition of environmental groups to secure the UK Ivory Act and we're delighted to see it expanded by the Government this week to now ban importing, exporting and dealing in items containing ivory from hippos, narwhals and killer and sperm whales

Highlighting EIA’s illegal trade concerns for wildlife and trees at CITES
EIA will be actively engaging at the 78th Meeting of the Standing Committee of CITES (SC78) on a range of key issues relating to the protection of elephants, rhinos, Asian big cats, pangolins, vaquita porpoises and trees, in addition to broader compliance and enforcement issues.

Appeal: Tackling the trans-Himalayan trade in tiger skins, bones, teeth and claws
Help us put a stop to the organised criminal gangs who take advantage of porous borders to smuggle these items, decimating tiger populations and driving the species towards extinction.