Illegal fish bladder trade could sound the death knell for the last 10 vaquita porpoises
A thriving online illegal trade in the swim bladders of endangered totoaba fish is helping to drive the vaquita porpoise to the brink of extinction
A thriving online illegal trade in the swim bladders of endangered totoaba fish is helping to drive the vaquita porpoise to the brink of extinction
A new investigation has revealed that the illegal trade in the swim bladders of endangered totoaba fish which is driving the vaquita porpoise to extinction is thriving on social media
Illegal wildlife traders are seeking to cash in on fears over the novel coronavirus outbreak in China by peddling fake cures containing rhino horn and other endangered species
Coronavirus outbreak represents an opportunity for the Chinese Government and other governments worldwide to finally implement a permanent ban on trade in threatened wildlife
Despite more than five years of non-compliance proceedings, there has been virtually no progress in Laos in relation to its pledge to phase out tiger farms - it's now time for CITES trade sanctions
Nine canine teeth seized in Xiamen, China have been confirmed to be from pumas, according to reports in the Chinese media