Tag: vietnam


The news we’ve helped to make and break in 2012!

If 2012 has shown anything, it’s that we’re still small and that our concise reports anchored in hard documentary evidence – often obtained undercover in potentially dangerous circumstances – continue to give us the clout to punch well above our weight


Undercover and on the trail of China’s stolen timber

Are you aware of how big China’s need for logs and timber actually is? Last year China imported at least 18.5 million cubic metres of illegal logs and sawn timber – that’s worth $3.7 billion. To put that into perspective, you could fill Beijing’s Olympic stadium more than six times


Lessons in the art of healing without harm to wildlife

The Healing Without Harm event at the annual David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation lecture saw me sharing the Royal Geographical Society stage with some of the giants of conservation. The man himself, David Shepherd, introduced an evening that was compered by the awesome Mark Carwardine


World Rhino Day: facts and fiction about rhino horn trade

The use of rhino horn as a recreational drug or cancer treatment in Asia is based on myths, but has escalated exponentially over the last few years. As a result, rhino in Africa and Asia are brutally slaughtered in huge numbers for their horns. The trade is attracting the attention of organised crime


It’s time to get tough with the kingpins of wildlife crime

“The media tend to focus on wildlife crimes they can see,” says Bryan Christy, journalist and author. Christy, who earlier this year addressed INTERPOL’s Wildlife Crime Working Group, wants to see a shift in the way environmental crime is talked about and tackled: shift the focus onto the villains