Tag: myanmar

Press Release

Myanmar rosewood stolen to feed China’s furniture craze

Myanmar’s precious rosewood tree species are heading for imminent commercial extinction at the hands of China’s multi-billion dollar rosewood furniture boom. Illegal trade in rosewood is driven by wealthy elites in China and their desire for the high-end Ming and Qing dynasty reproduction furniture known as ‘hongmu’

Press Release

China: Top buyer of illegal timber drives deforestation

China, emergent superpower and the world’s second biggest economy, is effectively standing on the sidelines as its exponential growth devastates forests in a trade worth billions of dollars a year, making it the single largest international consumer of illegal timber stolen by organised criminal syndicates

Press Release

Burma sanctions suspension must be opportunity for reform

The European Union’s suspension of sanctions against Burma (Myanmar) for one year, including lifting the ban on direct trade of timber and wood products, opens the way for trade with Western firms and should be an opportunity to introduce meaningful reform directly benefiting the country’s people