Footage reveals criminal-run tiger ‘farms’ in Laos have actually been expanded, not shut down
New covert footage shows the huge expansion of captive-breeding facilities in Laos for tigers and bears
New covert footage shows the huge expansion of captive-breeding facilities in Laos for tigers and bears
The London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) today released new covert footage showing the huge expansion of captive-breeding facilities in Laos for tigers and bears
The US Government has acted against the Chinese-run criminal empire responsible for tiger and other wildlife trade at the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone in Laos by putting Zhao Wei, the director of the Kings Romans Casino and affiliated companies, and members of his network on a Treasury blacklist
Vientiane Times has reported that four restaurants at Laos’ Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GT SEZ) had been shut down and illegal wildlife products confiscated and burnt, following the release of EIA’s Sin City report
以中国赌徒和游客为目标、藏身在老挝的一个度假胜地事实上是非法野生动物制品和身体部分的贸易枢纽。《罪恶之城》记录了博胶省金三角经济特区(the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone)实际上如何变为一个不受法律控制的游乐场。
A resort complex tucked away in Laos and marketed to Chinese gamblers and tourists is a hub for trade in illegal wildlife products and parts, a new report reveals