Tag: india

Press Release

Montreal Protocol on track to reach 2016 HFC amendment

Parties to the Montreal Protocol have made significant progress on agreeing to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in a series of back-to-back meetings in Vienna, raising expectations that a global agreement to address the super greenhouse gases can be adopted this year

Press Release

African group spurs progress towards global HFCs agreement

Unprecedented global attention on super greenhouse gases – hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – resulted in agreement on a way forward under the Montreal Protocol when, at the five-day meeting in Bangkok, the African group emerged as a strong voice in support of tackling HFCs, overcoming resistance by a minority of countries

Press Release

Countries edge towards an agreement on super GHGs

At a meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol in Paris, the international community has moved closer to a deal on eliminating hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). It will be important that the European Union now amends the Montreal Protocol in 2015 to provide reassurance on finance and technology to developing countries

Press Release

Illegal wildlife trade meeting offers a watershed moment

Just days before UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s landmark Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade, the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency has set out the key actions it believes are essential to tackle the international organised criminal networks plundering the environment