Tag: cites

Press Release

Iceland flouts international ban to slaughter first protected fin whale of new hunting season

Conservation and animal protection organisations are horrified at the slaughter of an endangered fin whale by Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf in defiance of the international ban on commercial whaling. The hunt, Iceland’s first in three years, marks the start of a whaling season that could see as many as 239 killed

Press Release

Chinese town at the centre of global ivory smuggling

Our new report, The Shuidong Connection: Exposing the global hub of the illegal ivory trade, is the culmination of almost three years of undercover investigations and exposes organised criminal syndicates operating out of Shuidong, China who have come to dominate the illegal smuggling of poached ivory into China.

Press Release

Mapping seizures to aid imperilled helmeted hornbill

An updated trade hotspot map by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and TRAFFIC reinforces the position of China and Indonesia as the world’s most important countries involved in the illegal trade in helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil) parts and products